
Hola! Peru! - Part Two: Cusco and Sacred Valley

LAN - 是祕魯當地的航空公司, 出發前查了幾個travel blogs, 仍有點不放心當地的飛行技術, 但是到達祕魯Lima的機場時, self-check-in的電腦介面作的很好, 飛機也很乾淨舒適, 我也就安心一些, 把乾淨與飛機上包裝漂亮又好吃的muffin點心和飛行安全畫上等號, 似乎是不怎麼合邏輯的說法, 但是沒法改掉Marketing的迷思, 這些"Presentation" 似乎也帶著日本移民的氣息...

到達Cusco後, 開始聞得到古老氣息的石頭城, 計程車沿著蜿蜒的石頭小巷東西南北的鑽著,
不到10分鐘便到了我們在網路上訂的Picoaga Hotel checked in, 很是喜歡這hotel的設計, 石頭的拱門連結對稱地在上下兩層樓, 繞著有著小噴泉的中庭 暗粉紅色的牆壁, 寶藍色的房門, 進了房間是漆著橘色的牆壁, 很暖和! 僱了一個當地的計程車司機, 帶我們去Sacred Valley繞, 雖然溝通上仍是比手畫腳地, 我們只須說"Foto,Foto" (Photo in Spanish) - 他便很有耐心地讓我們下車取景, 他也很懂得哪裡適合照相, 還帶我們去餵駱馬 (Llama and Alpaca), Alpaca真的很可愛, 脖子沒有Llama長, 毛比Llama來的柔軟, 只是當地的餐廳都有Alpaca的菜, 還真有點捨不得吃那麼可愛的動物..

From ask.com -

The Llama is roughly twice the size of the Alpaca and the Llama has a very coarse outer coat over a softer inner coat as opposed to the alpaca which has a very fine, single coat. The Alpaca was domesticated and carefully bred for over 5000 years as a luxury fiber producing animal. The Llama has been bred for the same amount of time as a pack carrying animal. Both are very friendly, curious and easily trained and handled as long as they were not handled incorrectly by their previous owners.

The Llama and the Alpaca can interbreed and produce live offsping and those offspring are also fertile. There is no point in doing this on purpose however. The result of such a breeding would be an animal that was neither as strong as the true Llama nor would it have as nice a coat of fleece as a true Alpaca.

Sacred Valley的市集 - 很接近我的秘魯印象, 彩色的針織手工藝品琳瑯滿目的掛著, 映著藍天, 顯的更艷麗了, 穿著傳統服飾的兩個小女孩, 其中一位抱著一隻羊, 走過來要和我照相, 雖然是要給些零用錢, 但好希望自己能跟他們依樣穿著五彩的毛織洋裝, 也抱頭羊, 背著布包袱, 穿著毛褲襪, 不知道過幾年後的秘魯會不會把Disney這一套學過去...聽朋友說, 他看見一位中年婦女因為天氣熱而解了一層裙子, 有點滑稽, 大概那蓬蓬裙底下是一層又一層地扣著, 也難怪在這50多度的天氣及3,000多公尺的高山中, 這傳統服飾仍能保暖...

Cusco的Main Square很有氣勢, 石頭的建築物, 長廊與拱門將廣場環繞, 許多餐廳竟皆是義大利菜, 我們三人各點了一杯Pisco Sour, 想體驗一下這著名的秘魯調酒, 很好喝卻只能喝的了半杯, 當天晚上, 學長姐竟都身體不適, 睡的沉穩的我, 沒料到那高山症加酒精可真的要小心調理, 好在學長帶了高山症的藥和當地的Coca tea也幫助舒緩了些不舒適的症狀

期待著踏上Machu Picchu的古印加帝國...

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