A beam of sunshine, a gentle breeze, a happy tune, and a loving relationship - she will tell you this is the essence of happiness. There are many beautiful and meaningful moments hidden behind the trivia of everyday life - Valerie said...
From McCowell Center of Visual Art
"To be an artist is not a matter of making paintings or objects at all. What we are really dealing with is our state of consciousness and the shape of our perception." - Robert Irwin
Visual Art/ Print Art
Clockwise - From Left to Right
1. I like this fairy tale character with unique color combination and texture
2. I called it "Gossip" because it combines human ear and text string
3. This is the poster from Caribou Coffee - "Log" on - what an interesting way to demonstrate the wireless concept.
4. A print ad - a wine list for "The Broken Glass" restaurant
2006/10/07 - 中秋 Mid-Autumn Festival
天 氣轉涼 了, 晚上打著顫和朋友及媽媽一同到UNCC去參加台灣同鄉會的中秋晚會, UNCC有一位蕭媽媽, 每年端午節都包上千顆的粽子, 中秋節還炒米粉和媳婦一同作蛋黃酥及綠豆碰呢! 昨天和蕭媽媽聊天, 才發現她是到美國時一個人閒著沒事才開始學作菜, 竟就這樣練就一手好廚藝, 想想我還是有可能成為一位"會作菜的女生"吧!
於是晚上和Lotus及媽媽聊天, 決定再次展開我的廚房練習(三), 就從台灣名菜: 三杯雞開始吧!!
廚房練習 (三) - 三杯雞
雞腿肉 3隻
紅辣椒 2條
薑片 10片
大蒜 6粒
麻油 4大匙
米酒 4大匙
醬油 4大匙 (...其實我覺得有點太鹹, 2大匙應該就夠囉!)
糖 1又1/2大匙
九層塔 適量 (...我愛九層塔...盡量放!)
(1) 蒜和老薑拍碎
(2) 熱鍋,先放麻油,接著放入紅辣椒、大蒜和薑片爆香。
(3) 將雞腿切塊下鍋,同時加糖拌炒。依序加入米酒和醬油爆炒,然後轉小火燜10~15分鐘,待湯汁收乾即可起鍋。
(4) 起鍋前撒一把九層塔,快炒一下滋味更好。