
A peaceful corner ...  Posted by Hello

My lovely honey pine dining set!

It took me almost 8 hours in total to finish assembling the benches and table. My hands almost got numb for two days from screwing all the nails. They came in three packages and it was my first time to envy the advantage of being a man - with stronger arms. :) One small piece for the corner bench is broken and thus the corner is missing the support part for now. Each bench has a small storage place underneath the seating area. Lovely design!

When I searched the dining sets online, I fell in love with this one right away and just cannot help but order the entire set after several days' research. Although I might be the only one enjoying my dinner with them, This has become my favorite corner for reading, drawing and enjoying my meals. Posted by Hello


2005/2/26 Home Projects

這幾天Charlotte的天氣都出奇地晴朗, 白天延長了, 背對Uptown的高樓便昰廣闊- 蔚藍的天空, 襯著幾片白雲以及飛機飛過的痕跡; 我常常下班時從遠處望著自己的家, 覺得自己住在一大片藍天底下, 總不經意地深呼吸, 微笑.

陸續地收到自己網路訂購的組裝家具, 從第一個project - 鏡子到簡易的TV-stand, 第一次用drill在牆壁打洞時, 心裡很緊張又很興奮, 放入anchor, 釘入釘子, 發現自己想念起中學的工藝課. 忍不住買下那有點貴的dining set, 僅是因為頓時愛上那種Brazil Honey Pine Finish原木的觸感以及corner chair的環繞感, 完成dining table時, 我的臉頰貼近桌面, 趴著, 覺得很開心.

雖然因為用screw driver太用力, 紅腫的大拇指今天一早近乎失去觸覺, 看著自己一步步建立起來的家逐漸地有了床, 有了桌椅, 以及自己拼湊出了不同的小角落 – 鋪上墨綠色毛毯的行李廂, 加上靠枕變成的小沙發, 成了我喝咖啡看雜誌的角落; 摺疊futon可以懶洋洋地看著電視或上網, 餐桌裝飾著戶外撿到的松果以及古典的小水晶檯燈, 可以幸福地享受我最愛的烤鮭魚晚餐.我也期待著收到自己訂的artificial sun flowers, 幻想著有一個向日葵花園, 希望可以用陽光的顏色照亮整個家.

提到花, 以前的我總覺得一個家簡單乾淨就好, 或許等到自己一個人住, something cheerful頓時變得很重要, 希望回到家可以看到讓自己開心的事物, 不知這昰學會享受幸福, 抑或是一種脆弱.

尋找著生活中安定幸福的輪廓 ~


2005/2/21 - 美國南方的廟宇

Chinese New Year的那個Weekend, 我和惠萍(新認識的台灣女生)在往downtown的路上發現這間廟, 很難想像在Charlotte, 一個美國南方的小城市, 竟有一間傳統的廟宇, 舞龍舞獅的還是美國人呢! 很可惜沒有拍到, 很多美國人帶著認養的中國女孩來, 他們自己的小孩也穿著傳統的紅色棉襖.

我興奮地走進去拜拜, 廟裡頗富麗堂皇, 但卻少了香薰的味道以及煙霧裊裊的景象, 我閉上眼, 合掌祈求上天保佑我的家人和朋友都能平安, 健康, 快樂 Posted by Hello

My Favorite Portrait

Al Hirschfeld's line drawings captured the vividness of American theater- an exhibition in Charlotte public library. Posted by Hello


2005/02/16 - 填滿

很久沒有平靜微笑的自然醒來, 今天腦中頓時浮現孫燕姿的"我也很想他", 眼睛慢慢地睜開, 不知為何, 旋律充滿著天花板, 我看一下鬧鐘, 六點五分, 仍打開電腦, 只想寫下一些感覺, 謝謝這首歌幫我把空蕩填滿.

想到這首歌, 只是因為喜歡鋼琴的簡單旋律, 令人平靜.

我看著歌詞, 想著有多少人曾經幸運地尋找到了交會的瞬間或永遠, 或有多少人, 曾經擁有了那一點點的相近卻無法交會的錯過 - 感覺來得太早, 或遲來, 或錯過, 亦或必須努力壓碎, 碎到不會被發現那感覺曾經存在.

感覺像是一種空氣, 把生命中空白的片段填滿, 讓我們不覺得空虛, 仍可以大口呼吸; 少了它, 生命仍可以被填滿, 只是缺乏氧氣的日子, 深呼吸的微笑會很遠很遠


2005/2/13 - Yuki...我的可愛貓

今天接到姐姐寄來的e-maili時, 看著我家貓咪Yuki出浴的大頭照, 突然眼淚就掉了下來, 我希望自己可以做個勇敢女生
Posted by Hello


2005/2/12 - Inspiration

I woke up today at 6:30 am, and tried to force myself to sleep more but somehow I just cannot. I sat up and wondered what to do during this weekend. I opened my drawer and picked a CD of the Corrs for my Sat morning music. I was not sure what happened but I felt like dancing which I haven't done since college. (Note: I am not at all a pub-hopper or the underground. I only danced in the summer camps we held for teenagers when I was in college.) I let my inspiration lead my body and felt so relaxed with sweat.

I think some little craziness helps me get happier. I almost forgot that I used to be very lively and energetic. But what happens over these years? I don't have a definite answer but I guess it is the magic of friendship. My friends in college school club are all very playful and energetic. I was spoiled at that time when we just went wherever and whenever we want to go. When people get into the workplace, we forget that life used to be a bit irrational, crazy or romantic. We are also required to focus on proccess and objectives. I am not sure whether that is what we call as "being mature." If so, I think I have a "kid syndrome" and will wither away if no such inspiration flowing into me. :-)